Thursday 7 May 2009

Blog questionnaire

Age? 27

Sex? Female

What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Social care and Social Policy

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? Yes

If so, how? And if not, why not? I also took introduction to critical thinking, which related well to the being bad module. As being bad involved questionnig bahaviour and introduction to critical thinking also involved questioning.

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? I found the module at an appropriate level, not easy but not hard neither.

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? Yes, I think they were appropriate and it gave me a better understanding of the topics.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? No

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? Yes

What did you think of the module team? The module team were very helpfull and understanding, replayed to email very quickly.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? Small group discussions would only imporve the module more but I was very happy with the way it was.

Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? Really good, gave everyone the chance for their opinion and allowed people to see other's point of view.

Information and talk from lecturers? Good, all information was put on wolf, so student could access the information required and there was lots of handouts on topics, which helped with essays.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? Yes, different modules combined for one module is a good thing.

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? Yes
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? Yes, gave me an understanding of other modules.

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? Yes

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? Not sure at the moment, depending on if it is offered as a choice with my degree.

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? Yes

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? Yes, gave me a chance to find out what a blog is

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? I liked the shorter assessments cause it broke down the work required to achieve the grade.

What have you learned from the module? I have learned many different things about different topics, I got a better insight as to why adults commit adultery.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? I found the confessions part very interesting, which was in the first week. I found it interesting because it showed what people do in their own time.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? I don't think any part of the module was a waste of time. I enjoyed the module through out and learned many different things.

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? It was a really good module and I enjoyed taking part in the module. Having the opportunity to learn about more than one topic rather then just one.

Response to Sabrina Chander on comedians

I must say I agree with you that comedians should not use racist remarks within their jokes, as many people may be offended by the jokes. However, I do believe that comedians are only doing their job, which they receive an income from. Therefore, this does not mean that these comedians are racist as individuals outside work.

Response to Adam Priestley on speeding

In my opinion, drivers should pay attention to the speed limit on the road, as this would avoid many deaths. The adverts on TV seem to make some people think about how they drive but yet other don't seem to take any notice. Driving involves being responsible for passengers in the car as well as people on the road.

Wednesday 6 May 2009


There are several different forms of drugs, Heroin, Cocaine and Crack Cocaine, Crystal Meth and Ecstasy are all class A drugs. Speed and Amphetamines are all class B drugs, while cannabis and Benzodiazepines are class C drugs. All these drugs have different effects on a person and have different side effects. Overdose of drugs can also lead to the death of a person. Some drugs provide a person with energy, while other drugs relax a person. Drugs have an impact on the brain, body and health.

Tuesday 5 May 2009


The meaning of abortions is ending a pregnancy, so it does not result in the birth of a child. Having an abortion in England, Wales, and Scotland is legal under the age of 24 weeks of pregnancy. Women under the age of 16 years old can have an abortion under special rules of consent.

However, most religions also disagree with abortions because they see it as murder of an unborn child. Unless, the pregnancy is a form of evil, such as rape; in these circumstances religious people agree with abortions.

I feel if a woman wants an abortion and has good reason for an abortion, then it is her personal choice. If abortions were not available for women, then there would be many unwanted children who would be suffering in society.

Monday 4 May 2009


Masturbation is a form of sexual arousal and pleasure in order to achieve an orgasm, by men and female. Masturbation is a very common behaviour, even people with partners masturbate. The article below states that 95% of males and 89% of females had reported that they have masturbated. This shows that there are more males that masturbate then females.

Masturbation is a good way of relieving sexual tension in people who do not have partners or whose partners may be away. Masturbation was once regarded as a perversion and a sign of mental problems, now it is regarded as a normal sexual activity.

On a religious point, many religions see masturbation as a sin and do not promote masturbation within their religion. Therefore, masturbation can be seen as good and bad behaviour depending on a person background and what they believe in. I do not think masturbation is bad behaviour, I feel if a person feels comfortable masturbating and it is their personal choice.

Are people with body modifications judged by society?

In today’s society we do like to believe that people are not judged but it is true that society still judge people on their appearances. According to this article a person should consider the way they may be judged when getting a visible piercing, implant, tattoo, or other non-mainstream modification.

The article seems to indicate that people link body modification to dug’s, alcohol, crime and violence. People with body modification are also discriminated in work places, such as when applying for jobs; they are rejected due to body piercing or tattoos. People with body modifications may also get treated differently by law enforcements, school officials and other government bodies.

In my opinion, this is wrong and people with body modification should not be treated differently to people that do not have body modification. Having body modification does not mean that you are a bad person; it just means that you choose to be different to others. Also people with body modification may be highly educated but are judged on their appearance, which is wrong because appearance can be misleading. Therefore, people in society with or without body modification should be treated the same and be given the same opportunities, as those without body modification.

Saturday 2 May 2009

Young people and alcohol

I and my two children went to the park yesterday, when we got there I noticed a group of young people sitting by the play area. As I got closer to the play area, I noticed the group of young people had alcohol and was rather drunk. While under alcohol abuse the group of young people were being very anti – social in the park and bullying younger children.

I carried out some research on young people and alcohol, only to discover that in 2002 18% of young people aged 11- 15 years old drank at least once a week. The study also showed that 16% of young people committed crime under the influence of alcohol. The study also showed that some young people may start drinking with parent consent, while other drink due to peer pressure. What I would like to know, is what are the parents doing to stop their children from drinking at such a young age and can there not be education provided to warn young people of the effects of alcohol.

Friday 17 April 2009

Second - hand smoking

After doing a little research on second hand smoking, I came across an article that I found rather interesting. This article seems to indicate that second – hand smoking can also affect a person’s mental and emotional state. The article suggested that passive smoking doubled a person’s risk of getting depression.

I am a smoker and I have been smoking since I was 14, I am now 27 and I enjoy smoking. I know it cost a lot and it smells on your clothes, home, and breath but this has never persuaded me to quit. Even after reading many articles about second – hand smoking and articles relating to health problems from smoking, it has still not persuade me to quit. I feel if a person is going to smoke, they will regardless of the affects or dangers involve.

Thursday 16 April 2009

More men are jailed for shoplifting

I read an article the other day which stated that more men are jailed for shoplifting then women. The article also suggested that the offenders are older and steal higher value goods which have been ordered. However, why is it that more men are jailed then women, if the crime is the same shouldn't the punishment be the same; regardless of gender.

Friday 10 April 2009

Do Prostitutes have a choice in what they do?

When women turn to prostitution are they given a choice or are they forced in to prostitution. The article above suggests that 80% of women become prostitutes as children and are often encouraged into prostitution by men who act as boyfriends. The article also states that many prostitutes are controlled by gangs. Therefore, women that become prostitutes as children may find it difficult to change their ways. Prostitutes that are controlled by gangs are unable to leave prostitution. Therefore, this seem to indicate that prostitutes do not have a choice in what they do but rather the choice is made for them

Thursday 19 March 2009

Response to Nicola Quinn adultery

I do not think that this women should face the consequences of loosing her children for betraying her husband.She still loves her children and is still a good mum, regardless of her actions.I also agree with you that there are people out there that have commitied a crime and they are allowed to see their children.

infedility article above suggests that adultery can help save a marriage. It suggests that people who have affairs are seeking real happiness and love in their lives. The article also indicates that affairs give the adulterer an insight into their relationship and provides an understanding that something needs to change within their own lives.I was with my ex partner for 5 years and the reason for our breakup was adultery. I was unable to forgive him for what he had done, even though i did try and forgive him. Each time he would leave the house, I would sit and wonder where he was and who he was with. The trust between us had completely gone, it had also affected my confidence as a person. Therefore, I believe that given a relationship another try after infidelity is very difficult and those who have overcome infidelity are very strong and determined people.

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Response to Being bad lecture

Is shoplifiting any different to any other kind of theft ?

In my opinion, shoplifiting is no different to any other kind of theft because we are still taking something that does not belong to us.

Why do people who can afford to buy things shoplift them instead ?

I think people who can afford to buy things shoplift because they get a adrenaline rush at thought of getting away with shoplifting.

Is it prostitution to take money of someone who is expecting sex, but then not supply it ?
No, it is not prostitution because sex was not supplied.
If it isn't prostitution then is it more or less socially respectable ?
I feel it is less socially respectable.
If it is prostitution, then how much is a reasonable charge ?
I dont feel there is a reasonable charge in selling your body or sex to a person.
When does a concerned interest in someone's activities become stalking ?
When a person is following you around at all times and not leaving you alone.
Are some kinds of observance allowable and appropriate ? Which ones aren't ?
Certain types of observance are allowed, depending upon the situation. The ones that aren't allowed are: Following a person at all times after being asked not to, looking through a person window, looking through a person personal belongings.

Thursday 12 February 2009

suggestion for week 12

I think that for week 12 we should do a field trip and go for a prison visit. This will give us the opportunityto speak to people who have commited a crime and been bad.