Saturday 2 May 2009

Young people and alcohol

I and my two children went to the park yesterday, when we got there I noticed a group of young people sitting by the play area. As I got closer to the play area, I noticed the group of young people had alcohol and was rather drunk. While under alcohol abuse the group of young people were being very anti – social in the park and bullying younger children.

I carried out some research on young people and alcohol, only to discover that in 2002 18% of young people aged 11- 15 years old drank at least once a week. The study also showed that 16% of young people committed crime under the influence of alcohol. The study also showed that some young people may start drinking with parent consent, while other drink due to peer pressure. What I would like to know, is what are the parents doing to stop their children from drinking at such a young age and can there not be education provided to warn young people of the effects of alcohol.

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